A baton? u mean like to wack people with? then mag lite for sure LOL
Hey Lev, my friend is a cop, if this helps ... If want brightness and less depth or penetrating power, you want LED... If you want more...
- Large spoiler on the back that looks like something Boeing made for the 747 LOL ... dont make Erock mad
lol as in ... not very ?
I will drive an American truck any day, any model, any time, over the japanese couterfeits ... They dont know what a heavy duty truck is ........
Guys please, that ship has sailed, and if "we" are still annoyed about that, then all fingers should point to those who make the rules ... We...
I would even contest that its a more a heavy culture, those dudes are tough, coarse, and like the honey badger, dont give a shit
What ? no love for the Ford pinto ?
like a high tech mood ring ?
this !
Enigma how do you feel about the Fortress series from silverston? and is CFM cubic feet per minute?