New website is hotsauce, nice work !
Nothing unless it comes with many "W's" for myself and guild alike
I think it was Owainn .... just a guess though
what about a robotech game ... now you are talking some fun
Grats Tommy ... give me some daps [IMG]
How crazy would that be to look at the earth from so far away .... Wish I could stand on the bridge of a capital spaceship some day ....../le sigh
go eat a doughnut ..... [IMG]
Carebear mode ? [IMG]
A rubgy violinist .... ok something doesnt seem right here ....
oh yeah I forgot about Kelly
She must be lip sync'ing .......
lol how about going down from a 70+ year old mans punch .... guy still has it
Yeah, the other options were a pyscho biotic or a women who had to wear a safety suit ..... talk about a mood killer
Hellllllooooooooooooo [IMG]
MAGLITE = for when a stick to knee isnt enough [IMG]
Kitsune would just force crush his computer I think
Boomerang Grenade ..... suprised it made it to market ....
Guys we already knew this ..... Just look at the example of Kyoji and Erock ...
This game would be a world wide gold mine ...... lawyers ruin everything ...
Can I bang Miranda again ... what gives ?