Some how, some way, Gaute Godager will ruin this game, he did to everything else @ FC ..... his spirit remains ... be warned ! On a serious note,...
Fixed ... and yes if she is not in it, deal breaker
Total Batshit ... and I also read ..... [SPOILER]
Dont trust that new red head who can apparently drink poison laden wine likes it coolaid .......
All I can say is 1. The previous seasons Naevia was more attractive and was a better actor 2. but .... as Kharma said Naevia finishs as a...
There most WTF moment was at the very end when Lucretia .............. I was like WTF just happend
Sad part is .... we probably would benefit from a global reset, back to a less friendly, less politically correct, more business is never...
Epic fail ......
Reminds me somewhat of star control
Erock would .... all I am saying
worst thread ever ....
well if I may get technical .... turning them into pizza loving surfer talking badass crime fighters was the first time they were ruined ... but...
that hurts Sogetsu ....
epic fail .....
holy freaking finale ........ talking about "always leave em wanting more" .... I cant wait for season 3
Let me first preface this thread by saying Andy Whitfield was a wonderful actor and is truly missed That being said, his stand in,...
Man I hope Carl can sprint like an adult ......
Considering the fact that I take my dome right down to bare wood, I use alot of razors ...... hello razor shangrilah
I think its ok, on a whole somewhat bland, but each episode have had their moments ... One of my personal favs is when Rick quick drawed on those...