Didn't I tell you about this over a year ago?
Saw 800D and immediately thought that the next iteration should be 8==D
We need a ts channel too. Maybe a set time and date to play a game too>?
Civ 4 did this too. The longer the game and the larger the map and the more players, the longer each turn takes.
Let me know if you guys are getting games going I play this too. That method plus any vpn/hamachi should let you play over lan just fine.
Didn't you have over 9000 posts on the old forum? Is that really why you want them back?
Chocolate milk maybe. Kinda young for coke.
good job
Ok you definately did not get my meaning then. I never said anything about not liking/wanting to get on ts. I never had any problems with it and...
I didn't read that wall of text but what parts of it I did, it seems like you misinterpreted everything i said. not using anything as an excuse....
ok let me rephrase: not everyone visits the forums on a daily basis. not everyone goes to the forums for help. some people try to solve it on...
you don't hear about the others because they can't get on ts and thus can't talk about it much. not everyone visits the forums either. but...
Code of Conduct modification We have modified the Code of Conduct under communications. It was already fairly evident, however we cleared up...
Who is everyone in those pictures?
I played the early version. It's really come a long way in a short time.
Let me know when there is a full n-key-rollover keyboard for a decent price. One that doesn't go CLACK CLACK CLACK at least...
I dont think I can run it + 8800 for physx not that any games really use that anyways.
The 1GB model will only outperform if you are using super high resolutions in the 30" monitor range.