So, lets have a debate A FRIENDLY DEBATE. No raging or flaming in this thread. I challenge you to post the best screenshots you can find of either...
Virtual reality headset and... [IMG] augmented reality craziness. XCEp7udJ2n4 discuss
Erm... fun? Or perversion but that's pretty fun right? 532o5nuHm0A
It's cool but... worst fatigue system ever.
Also from what I've seen AoC is tab targeting which puts these game in entirely different categories. Someone recorded and posted them playing...
derp... fixed,1.shtml
Check it out for yourself. xD,1.shtml...
Already announced riot there is territory wars although it isn't out yet.
The next beta is OBT so unless it's one of those fake CBT you shouldn't need to apply.
Also you get EXP for PvPing.
I got an e-mail from them today mentioning a bunch of stuff at the end of this month though I'm not exactly sure what it was about. It linked to...
I don't get it... what does a pencil have to do with a cassette.
I'll pass :\ I don't want a slightly tweaked WoW to many of them already IMO. I really don't like tab targeting for me to play another tab...
It seems like they are trying to do an action based combat system similar to Vindictus and Dragons Nest. I wasn't able to find that specifically... Says it blocks ads on streams. I wouldn't know since I...
For NoScript an extension isn't needed. Simply disable Javascript and add exceptions in your options.
lol I haven't used facebook in months either. I just have youtube and a bunch of different programs post to facebook for me and I get e-mails...
Thanks for all the help Enigma. :)