I have a galaxy nexus with Jelly Bean and i love it.
We have about 30-40 people that did play on beta and release, but interest waned after 3 months or so. I have been thinking of installing it...
I work with this guy on a daily basis, he'd be a great asset to the guild.
I love my Rat7 Cyborg (not MMO). The MMO one looks even better. If you have big hands it is the mouse for you.
Yeah I played it for a couple hours last night, seems extremely limited at the moment.
I'll try it out just because RoN is one of my favorites of all time.
Anyone playing EoN in the CBT this weekend? If you have a Trion worlds account you should be able to sign up.
Yeah the O/S drive would need to be reformatted. I would get: Mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131736...
I posted for a key on that thread and on the GW2 thread on fragworld. But I can play Friday 6-8ish hours saturday 10ish hours and sunday 10ish hours.
I'd like a key too if possible, will be doing the fragworld post after work today.
I loved this movie too, saw it in 3D and it was probably the best super hero movie ever.
Does this mean you are playing it Kyoji?
Welcome back broski.
He'll be missed.
Give me an invite please.
I will play once through probably multiplayer.
I have had a G19 for over a year now and I love it. I have had to remove the keys and clean it out a few times. However the price is kind of...