Thats awesome, wonder what they will throw the gamers way next! PS: when i read WCG all I could think was Warcraft Card Game =/ sigh need to get...
uggg i wanna play! also thx for the skill gen
someone need to make a reply video to this with a "new" video card and just have a box bigger than the computer with some wires going between them...
nice pelvic thrust!
damn the captions were great
wait wait wait wait.....LoL and not a WoW background? Well that just made me not wanna get it for my next computer what would you guys say, get...
well i read like 5 post then came down here i had a friend with the death adder and i myself have the naga. as far as the naga being smaller it...
yea i wish i could have my stuff look like legendaries, also i wish i could get BF and use that =( as far as the cost i think it may be 100g per item
this is good shit
carried cause you dont have a real shaman
thank god the post after me wasnt a "your an idiot" post
gay and all variations of it
really? its cause he is so smart but as far as him banning the word its cause its what he was and he was uncomfortable with it i guess anyways...
so the full raid is down in the lower right? cool, no i dont care i dont even play anymore lol just trying to make sure the ones who will invite...
A raid shot would have been better, can you take one of those or at least describe how your layout is? Also I noticed you only listed LW as a...
ep 7 is already out? cool maybe ill start watching it, i norm dont like to watch a show till it has a bit done already dunno just weird like that
MUHAHAAHAH FOUND IT ON EBAY AND BOUGHT IT!!! still in the package and everything so im really happy today! come on kick me in the nuts and ill...
that would be funny as hell. but wonder if they will put out a brewmaster class with this xpac or at least panda npc's
i tried on july 9th, but i got the game mailed to me and reinstalled it so now its fine also im still higher level than you, and it doesnt seem...