I just preordered the game go ill be playing, going to try and get the name Roch if the beta char info is deleted if not then ill update this with...
im Roch of course on the PC version
I am RochTheShaman - shadow in the default league, currently level 55 so hit me up if you guys wanna level together Default RochTheShaman - Roch...
http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Sword_Art_Online - read the books! WARNING if you go there you are going to find out what...
sword art online will go on for a while if they continue with it like the short novels which are great btw...
BTW is there a release date for this yet?
if its free i dont see why i wont try it again, whats the harm eh? GW got old quick for me and WoW isnt fun when your guild TURNED INTO A BUNCH OF...
waxx you need to put me in one of those groups
And im freeeeeeeee!!!! freeee balllin without pants
yea ive seen this before a while ago, but i dont think it was from here, prob just clicking through wow parody videos but i agree its really...
beat it and i want my damn 400 gold
Orcs are cool jerk....
Is Special K still around?
No, I was saying I still have my preorder waiting for the game so this wait for D3 isnt bad. Cause you know SCG has been like 6 years or something
You know Ive been waiting for Starcraft Ghost for, shit I dont know how long now so a couple of extra months for D3 wont kill me. Damn SCG is...
Why did I never learn to do this stuff when I was younger? sigh....
Hmmm wonder what kinda stuff will come about cause of this
I would have to say right now I vote for TERA
Well does the game really call for a division? I mean what in the game would need you to have a leader, or what can you do that would warrant a...
Nothing for me yet, any word if we are we going to get a guild invite?