LOL....classic canadian. please see Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo
damn kids in the way of Rick. love how he powered through. he's not going to let some dumb generational gap stop him from a paycheck. Classic.
i had an epic sale in my pants that day and took advantage of it over and over again. then i had a steak and fell asleep to cartoons. it was the...
/sarcasm what no Aang? i was totally into it, but without god-like powers why bother. everyone on the MMO band wagon; they can't loose right?...
awesome find
oldy and a goody
that was a great game. read my mind. I was also thinking of a rear projection setup, with a massive 7.1 surround sound. Since it has it's own generator I...
xomg hi /wavesinretardedwayholdingarmupwithotherarmsothatyounoticeandduetoexcessivefatigue
My daily: [IMG] My ride when I feel like impressing the hot homeless chicks: [IMG] She's a classic Neoplan 8196 that puts out a sweet 280 BHP....
no lev no.
Ruckmanada (ROCKLOBSTA!) Canamaul (can-o-maul recommended by professional footballer's moms) "Canada, it will rock your sox till it's...
zomg dont post this...teh gold farmerz will strip it clean for the lootz!
there's a canada now? when did that happen?
sunshyne, 1. when will the economy reach a point of stability where i no longer worry about my deficits vs. personal and family income? am i in...
three of us in northern California (Zappbrannigan, Shoji and I)
mmmm gerbils, aint nothin finer in the state of carolina. which game mang? im kinda gameless. when i have time i noodle with this and that...but...
happy late birthday
yes please....although I wouldn't mind buying this either :) i'm in, please let me know. the more realistic the better IMO, for good or bad; so...
pssst: darkfall is fake