as always PA covers the issue so well: [IMG] take that you damn cephalopods. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I'M ON YOU!
HELLO, I am Ms. Tyler Briggs, Manager of Mount Royal Hotel,Ottawa, Ontario Canada. We are on the second phase of recruiting workers. We are...
figures the weekend when the wife is away is the weekend i leave my keys to the office/gaming room at work.
i know it isnt cats...buuuuuuut: Otters [IMG] + Bunnies [IMG]...
true...which is what i was happy about and applauding. but you will notice they have picked up some significant staffing. most of them are great...
so there :P
time to change yo email account. thats why i have 3 emails that i trash when they become too corrupted. 1 that is for public business/ purchases...
/agreed good for hollywoods to release an original concept film and not shite all over the original idea.
weee firefly your friends have great names. so what are your going to do with all your cash? ps: did you mean to share your gmail account with...
true, but the companies were hitting the wall of moore's law and needed a new shinny thing to attract the buyers. now that there are more...
if the PSU is blowing its exhaust air onto your GPUs then you are going to have some wicked hot video cards whether you have one or two....
odds are your PSU fan is sucking from inside the case this will be fine. It would be silly for a PSU fan to blow into the case as 1000w...
32bit XP & Vista is 4GBs maximum 64bit XP & Vista is 128GBs maximum (depending on processor) it isn't the version of windows that determines how...
Pdog has a brain now? when did this happen? damn the scientist working on robots when there are perfectly good XOO members who could use the help...
great job on their part. ...i miss farscape ... /sadface btw: linkypoo
not attainable: i want my 67 year old mom to not have to work anymore to survive. attainable: snow boarding weekend with all the boozing amenities.
lawls thogun glwt
plus you have to remember if its a weekday then some wacky boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl and police action is happening. it's state law in...
dbz movie = m80 in brain hurts for a bit with loud noise and light then you wont remember a thing about it
damn you right... there goes all my watching-cartoons-all-the-time cred. /shame