Updated OP with a pic.
PSU has a horrible coil whine even when not booted up (just switched on). Case was a bitch to work in, H80 almost didn't fit with the mitx...
Finally after selling my Z77 rig, 2 guitars, drumset, and picking up a couple extra shifts at work I was able to order all my new parts. I ordered...
Lets do it guys, make XoO proud!
You would do that. :bashful:
Most races did not look pretty in the previous games without texture or character mods, but I will say the Argonian in the gameplay video looked...
Ill try to look up some info later and see if I can find any polls or %s of what the public is thinking too. I've been leaning to Aldmeri just...
Ya, as long as folks are interested. It's not really time yet to get super serious but a head count would be nice.
Hey folks, I was able to get us a sub-forum in the 'Other Games' section. I have drawn up some stickies/threads for it already. Engima, can you...
Xen of Onslaught Roster Information This will be the temporary roster for those interested in playing ESO with XoO. Please reply if you are...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Xen of Onslaught Alliance Information Please Note!: This is a temporary poll of what factions members are interested in....
Here it is: http://www.xoohq.com/threads/35926.What-should-be-the-next-big-game-XoO-plays
Love you too, Doxy. :3
<3 :tehe:
It's the bane of every new MMO, the "end game". Every developer struggles with it and its one of the main reasons modern MMOs fail. ESO isn't any...
So fucking good. I've been so skeptical about this game, as this and FF14 are the only 2 upcoming MMOs I'm interested in, but I was very pleased...
Stay below 80/85 for 100% load should be fine.
Xami, miss you bro!
Interesting mixing the RAM there!
They use to be worse..