i must say i dont like the idea of random people being able to control titans >_> but otherwise, it sounds good thus far.
i see your rokk and raise you some Eavy Metal! [img]
ive seen that, does it have macros and such?
i have the CE ordered, even though im not a fan of the smurfs
no idea... i can only plot training times for skills i dont have (luckily, i have a alt that doesnt yet have all the BS skills trained XD) i know...
as a note...i should point out that 6+ months is quite misleading, if not a outright lie. the single longest skill in the game (racial Titan...
i concurr with the Eni. im still in Eve... have been for like 6 years now. alas, that was well before my XoO time, so no tag for me u_u
the one server idea, as awsome as it is, isnt terribly functional with faction-based games... it works in EVE because characters arnt bound by...
[img] not only do i own, but i know how to use it. Iaido ftw :P
video dead D:
new animes launching in oct. i have hope for a few of them.
squats are extinct :P
i cannot seem to find anything resembling a 'next' or 'continue' or 'register' type button..... just 'close' at the bottom. :S
sleep early, play lots of hallway bolling (empty waterbottles and a tennisball), take breaks often when studying... do *NOT* try to 'get in...
two factions! booo! Purge the HERETICS!
it would be so much awsomer if only we could play as a different chapter than the damn ultramarines. im sure itll be badass, but either having to...
ive seen worse... though i cannot recall which anime, as my mind has repressed it (im being more serious than you think)
i love eve ^_^