not really. that game was far too safe and unscary to be a good SH game, and the chaise mechanic got old after a couple times. the psych...
i wouldnt get too excited, my own glee at the news of the game has steadily cooled the more details that have become available. for example, the...
Eve Online..... 6 years.....
mhm.... at a guess, i would suspect her computer isnt playing nice with your network, follow these steps, to see exactly where the problem is. 1...
mhm, it would be fun. i almost wish we could just take everyones corps and interests and merge them all together to recreate XoO: EvE of course,...
me too!
mhmm, other than the firewall, you might try using pathping from the effected computes, that might show you where a long delay is occuring and/or...
neat enough i suppose. frankly theyd do better (both in terms of making money and getting people interested) if they released the 'highly...
technically, Star Driver started in the fall, so its last season. but you are otherwise correct, this is good stuff. still sucks they ditched the...
There are three conditions to terrify someone. 1) The Monster cannot speak. 2) The Monster must be unidentifiable. 3) Its pointless if the Monster...
@Arimil: allow me to emphasize myself, there are no effective adblockers, ect, for chrome, adblock isnt as good as adblock plus, their noscript is...
honestly, there isnt a big enough difference in speed to make me care, i dont really notice the pages loading of FF, so its more than fast enough...
Imperial all the way :P
unless, say, you want to future proof your network :p
mhmmmmm, more to the point, i know far too much about how easy it is to hack even 'secure' wifi to ever trust it, ever. im well aware than...
ME1 was a unmitigated piece of garbage, atleased the crappy PC port i played was. the sole redeeming factor was the writing, but in that case id...
i use my phone for phoning, nothing else. and the lappy was my old college computer, i used it to connect to the college wifi... but in the dorms...
thanks for the offer, but ill just buy a new one... the asshats discontinued it in canada, but i can still order it from the states, so imma do that.
heh, do not question my desire for shiny new tech! :P but that said, you are correct, we do not yet have internet that fast, the two biggest ISPs...
ive begun looking for a wired gigabit router, so i was wondering if anyone here know of a good one, or give me suggestions for brands and the...