apple can die in a fire. thanks for the links, those arnt on the Canadian newegg for some reason.
wonders if hes invisible The details have already been released. Theres three classes, Assault, Tact, and Devastator. Assault have jumppacks,...
Wondering if anyone knows for any decent touchscreens monitors? should support (atleased) 1980x1080, and be (atleased) 20' any suggestions will...
Assault, Tact and Devi
Blood-C is abit creepy, especially those twins with the siamese cat routine.
mhm, well, i dunno about that, everyone dies, but saving the Galaxy not once but twice and being called a criminal for your troubles is a pretty...
one thing i pray they include, but they probably wont, is a bit where you get to rescue the Turrian Council member. hes cruising around in his...
does the trailer remind anyone else of Demon's Souls? i hope the game does too!
oh theres all that, buying stuff and such. but i was thinking about clearing out my list. everyone whos ever killed me, undercut me on contacts,...
ha. i bet i could blow that in a hour or less
WiiU amirite? [img]
still a bad idea to put it on a console says i
3d is crap, dont waste your money
not so much id tell them to feck off when they offered my home back... but then pride was never my sin of choice :P
Collier County, Florida -- Have you heard the one about a homeowner foreclosing on a bank? Well, it has happened in Florida and involves a...
i should point out that the geth would like to give the quarians back their homeworld.... they are even taking good care of it and maintaining it...
Fuck tiles.
i have as well, for my experience, the surround sounds awesome when it works, sometimes it gets borked up and goes crazy though, so i usually...
would be nice, but arnt they too cheap to make mechanical boards? :P
ha neat, cant we get a link to the topic? or atleased what board that was in? i want to read the discussion around that comment.