Hey I have a quick quest for those more computer literate than I. I have been getting some what frequent BSOD with the error code "0x000000a"...
Love the guild armor colors.
This shit is poppin' and lockin' like an old school 80's break dancer. On a new server, Isle of Janthir and are currently there to kick ass and...
Well it is a neat idea but I can already do that via an HDMI cable and my wireless mouse and key board......
Done and done.
Lots of fun so far. I will say it is realistic to the point it too me an hour to figure out what the fuck I was doing. I've got the hang of the...
Maybe this pay period I'll get it.
User CP > User Permissions > Then click the radio button to join. Here is a link if that helps....
lol my goodness Enigma that is awesome.
I would go for it. So far it has been pretty fun from what I played so far. Cool will do. Thanks.
Keep rubbing it in Enigma lol. Just a quick question though. Do we have a steam name forum up and running?
I'm going to fucking go broke. I just bought Dead Island. Total spend so far, $26 and some change. Damn you Steam!
I just got the Indie I Bundle pack. The Baconing alone looks like its worth the cost.
Tried adding you but the community page is down :P **edit** Got that fixed.
Don't you mean Independence Day? In celebration of this holiday of freedom, fireworks and fine hooch, here is former president Reagan riding a...
Video has been removed. Da fuq?
[IMG] [IMG] Aaaand since tomorrow is 'murica day. [IMG]
Pretty good stuff. I have three easier steps though. Grow a gentle-mans mustache (if you are not able to, visit your local barber) Insert...
Hmmm, interesting ***EDIT*** Found it, [IMG] I am not sure sure about the design. Seems a bit to high off the mouse pad for my taste.