Need to do a quick chat on TS, but if Carnice, Aijin, and Tyrial vouch for her, I'm all for her joining in the fun :) -KM I'll be trying to stream our Coil runs which will be Tuesday and Thursday 9 to 11:30pm ish.... -KM
I like this guy :) -KM
Always what I like to hear, if 9PM EST works for you tonight we'll see you on Teamspeak and chat, I'll PM you the address and password for ours. -KM
Let us know when you are interested in joining, but for now putting your application here since we haven't heard anything back from you in awhile....
This has clearly descended to levels... -KM
Heya, let's get you on team speak and do a quick interview, you going to be around tomarrow evening around 9pm EST or maybe a little before?...
Catch us online at around 9pm EST and we'll have you pop in for a quick interview on TS. Look for me or Arcanmene. -KM
Catch us online tonight at around 9pm EST and we'll do quick interview on TS with you. Look for me or Arcanmene Ragnarok.
Holy crap, another person who actually played Earth and Beyond.... We gotta chat my friend :) -KM
Granted you access to the FFXIV group as well, pop into TS tonight and say hi :) -KM
I'll be on tonight around 9pm EST,we can chat on TS and see what we can do for you :) -KM
sounds good to me, I'll be online 9pm EST at the latest. -KM
Looks like I may have missed you, but I'm online now, hit me or Arcanmene up for chatting on TS. -KM
Looks good in general to me, let's see about getting you on teamspeak for a quick interview later tonight. Also, are you looking for just static...
Can always transfer to us I believe. We're about to start the dive into Turn 6 of coil so everything prior to that is on farm :) -KM