Getting it eventually, yes, getting it at release.... prolly not at the moment..... -KM
Trying to raise donations for Extra-Life! Come on guys, make me suffer for a good cause!
[IMG] This is the face of sadness. This sadness is because it's a month out and we're still a long way from our goal on dontations for...
Fraid not on Malifaux, though I have played Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warmachines, and am an offical Ninja(Think Demo giver/street team) for Ninja...
For shadowrun I have digital copies of the core rulebooks I can share as well as a character generator tool I can walk people through. For Atomic...
Let's see... I am interested in playing but also can run a bunch of different game systems as well... including: Shadowrun 5th/4th ed (I have...
Heya Ladel, You can also look for Kinetic Medic online as well if Blaze is occupied :) -KM
Heya folks, rather than keep things a mystery we're going to make this sucker a regular thing, first Saturday of the month at 8pm EST. On Agenda...
I'd be happy to help coach folks in the singing and the choice of lyrics etc.... :)
Heya folks, Let's do another meeting.... mkay? On the table: -Games Updates -Extra-Life Charity -XoO Game Group Date: September 6th at 8pm EST...
[IMG] Heya Folks KM Here! So for those who aren't aware, there are a few of us whom are planning on participating in this years Extra-Life...
Arc should be able to interview you sometime thus weekish, if not I'll get you when I get back from vacation on Sunday.
pop on TS tonight and we can chat and should get you in no worries. -KM
Join usssssss..... the kool-aid is delicious..... :) -KM
That Mike Milano guy who's interview is on Day for is a friend from highschool, I'm looking forward to seeing his interview and to this game in...
Depending on the size of the figurine and how much of a damn I give about details (see massive horde of Ork's n Gobbo's) a few hours might be most...
Nice Karst, is that your site?
First up all my Star Nebula Corsairs: [IMG] Now Basecoated: [IMG] And now... First figures painted and assembled: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] -KM
Holy shit it's a Pdog....