Ha I knew about this but didn't think it was worthy of an update to the huge thread.
I'll probably get it. I had Duke 3D when I was younger.
Favorite poster of 2010 (list up to 6) - Doc - Sokar - TheCoX - NSMan Popularity award of 2010 (list up to 3) - Sokar - AzureB - NSMan...
Re posting due to forum rollback. New Attribute System: http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/huge-attribute-changes-in-diablo-iii/
overall I liked it but I felt like 5 and 6 were a dissapointment. I'll be interested to see how "next season" goes.
The new class is out. It is a Demon Hunter. I would have updated sooner but I have been on vacation. Check it out:...
Early Reports are the 5th class is a Demon Hunter. Still trying to find out more.
Hey Lev.
60 is the new 99 I don't really care what the cap is as long as the game is fun. Source
I got the church of harrold thing. Not sure what it means.
I know. I heard it on the Jason Ellis show on Faction and its been in my head all week. My FB status is:
This thread was started: 06-24-2008, 12:31 PM
Full presentation: heaKfxbQGzE The flashes are people taking pictures.
1. Don't skip class. It is easy to fall into a rut and easy to get lazy. The best way is to force yourself to go to class even if it sucks. I had...
I loved FO3. I am alittle sad I was burnt out before the Botherhood of Steele expansion (or which ever expanded the story). It's one of those...
UNP8QiNbFmU Sounds like a cool idea. It reminds me of Hellgate only better. Each item could be salvaged for parts. The parts took up space in...
I thought it was new, but some of what I read made it seem like it was just a FO3 DLC. Sounds like big improvements include: - Weapons can be...
Is it DLC for Fallout 3 or a brand new game?