Apparently stocks rose up 40%, probably not enough to let them thrive, but maybe enough to hang on for just a little while.
Just an FYI Yeah THQ bundle, simply amazing and for 6 bucks you get Company of Heroes all 3, saints row the...
Hi guys/gals, just wanted to post about some good bundles. Most of these games are indie games, but still fun and worth the few bucks you have...
Me too!
FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Damn it Cohagen, give da people Ayer!"
The best advice I can give has already been said, check out the current job market and average salaries. You may not be spending your own money...
Yeah read a few tidbits on it and it doesn't seem like it worth getting at this point. Maybe in a while, see what happens when you get to ansy to...
And on this note, I believe you have to have the entire set in order to do this do you not? It's not one card for one card, and also it has to be...
Don't do it decoy! Playing in person is much more fun, although online has some pros, like being able to see some interesting decks... like ones...
Anyone heard anything about this? Apparently a playable version is out on the 15th, first I've heard of it. Looks like it could be interesting,...
Some people aren't that materialistic however, If I knew you regularly threw complaints at my department I'd make sure you never ever had a...
Jelly Bean makes me crave it.
Plus the new version of steam coming out is a facebook for gamers, its great.
Encrypted however, companies getting hacked is the trend now, im just waiting for the banks to get hit.
Yeah, im not looking for any sort of gain myself, just doing this for fun, but I would love to get some hits, would be nice to know Im getting read!
I'm currently working on a banner for mine, but I plan to update mine about 3 - 4 times a week. I added a few more things to it today, and I will...
I've got pretty fast internets, but if I go over 160gb i pay out the ass, it lame.
I can run skyrim around 60fps on ful settings, and get around 5 fps in firefights. Could be just my hardware though.
Anyone run any? I just randomly started this one, just for shits and giggles, hopefully I'll stay interested enough to keep it going, feel free...