Looks like a lot of wasted resources, If i could have one icon on the desktop that expands into categories id be a happy man.
Yeah made me laugh, theres a single moment in that game that proves they actually had at least one military consultant.
It's so hard to balance a great MMO with a feasible business model. You need to appeal to the masses, and playing an easy game over a hard game...
I'm located nicely away from both coasts. Bring on the watery doomsdays.
watering hole attack means what exactly? Im unfamiliar with this type.
Yeah I smashed 350 bucks into my steam wallet, down to 91 bucks! Hoping Farcry 3 goes on sale today!
I picked up all the huge titles so far, usually at 50% which is great. Still waiting for Farcry 3 though.
I'd be happy to finish the 2nd story first really.
Apparently you can only have 200 bucks in the steam wallet :( lol, yes i am prepared!
Atlantic lotto tag, not millions, but a fair amount.
Right now, 5 bucks for the core + first expansions. 10 bucks for Cata, and 30 for Mists, right from the blizzard store. Total cost of 45 bucks is...
My opinion is when they invented gear specifically for PvP(Resilience gear) They took the fun out of the world pvp because while waiting for...
I just won a large sum of money so I wouldnt doubt the worlds ends soon lol.
I know MoP is half off, or was recently.
Pretty damn good deal, Lich King was a good expansion, the next one, cataclysm was one of their worst IMO. However the newest Mists of Pandara...
shhhhheeeettttt was a good deal
Regular Price, 59.99, amazon price 59.96. lol. I suppose it changes once you add to the cart.
Not only now can google track your movements, they now can control it.