I've got the full package, do you need to play a whole game at once? How does the multiplayer work?
You won't be disappointed with Tomb Raider, it was very good, top game of last year IMO.
I picked up Wolfenstien and the entire assassins creed collection, I think it should keep me busy for a long while.
Nope, just gun butts... no barrels... just butts.
No actually that's just where I'm from, currently in Shilo MB.
Depends on the temp as well, I know here, for roughly a full month it's -50 degrees Celsius, any dry fit gear is not recommended. I thought it...
Exactly what I was thinking.
It would be nice, however every company always says the same things, always have to wait and see.
I like how the users tagged it with Hardcore, and Horror.
Yeah bunny hopping was 1.3 and prior in CS, but it was the fastest way to move. It was a diagonal jump as opposed to just jumping in a row. The...
Interesting, currently training for a marathon and having kids, kinda takes up my time, but occasionally I get a few hours 10-12pm. Think they...
This is still in beta correct? I'd be interested once it goes live.
Kazzier is my steam bro, were addicted, him to DOTA, me well to just buying games.
740 bro! Going for the 1k mark! http://steamcommunity.com/id/samhamwich
haha coffee stain, im sure those are the guys who did sanctum 2 at least... quite the genre change.
I'm pretty sure they did this before and it failed? Didn't the guy who made Ultima online try this?
Yeah been picking up games that go on 75% or more off, I just collect them :p
We will be computers in 30 years lol.
Local food banks are also always a good place to donate as well, I know here some grocery store chains hold a buy one get one free special every...