@Zombie hey brah. apply to the usergroup and i can give you a tag
Hey! @Efi im still new to this xD
Quick recap guys. The Kickstarter pricing is over as of today! That means that the bundles that CoE were offering are going to increase in price...
My next stream will not be until sunday. I am thinking maybe a blast from the past. Emperor; Rise of the Middle Kingdom.
Stream Link: https://gaming.youtube.com/user/jvarela098/live Hey guys, so I figured since I have a lot of random games that I play maybe I...
Yeah, I will be streaming it during every CBT
Streaming Revelation CBT http://www.youtube.com/user/jvarela098/live
I just noticed that too @Alliterator Ill move it now
Keep us up to date on wether or not you have been able to touch base. I will be home this weekend and be able to fill you in
I did receive it! I will have Arc make a spreadsheet to start tracking @arcanmene
Woould you be free today to have a quick chat? Any time after 4pm PDT would work
Updated with paypal link
Thank you @Baalzubub. There is no goal but I will be tracking who donates to better distribute ingame IP as well as send some thank you/XoO swag...
Hey guys! The devs made it official (we told you very very soon.) The webstore will go live Oct 3rd!...
So as you folks know Arc, Myself, and Darktide will be going to PAX this weekend (Sept 2nd-4th) and it turns out we will be meeting up with...
summer7510526235087258 used by me
Soon, It seems as though everything related to CoE has come to a halt
In all honestly, Arc and I plan on putting a total of $2500 dollars in our own money into the game for Xen. This idea started, as Ironjaw stated,...
It will be 30 days after the store goes live