Wow really? I'm pretty pissed myself..
[img] funny video though.
Oh also.. May your kid be this win: :D [img]
I found myself cracking up to this with a boyfriend calling me an idiot.. XD
dang, I'm gonna miss this Tuesday... got a party to go to . :(
hahaha, that awesome! at 3 minutes.. "Who wants to smoke pot" Oh.. our finest in action.. XD
So, this rig differs from the CMOS sensor of an SLR in that it's picking up the ultraviolet versus visible? I haven't used a scope in years to...
Wow thats awesome! Amazing even! (Considering I can't even get decent lightening shots with wanting to rip my tongue out. @.@) You using a DSLR...
Hrm.. is this forum post worth reading? Erock posted in here.. Shit.. nope. It *WAS*. -.-
Xbox: XiDragonbladeXx I've been told I make a good meat shield...
Hrm.. I seem to have this game in Steam list.. ..what its doing there, no idea.. guess I'll check it out. :P
Going to sound odd, but do you use this account on your phone alot? When I had my old cell phone provider, my ip's were coming up all over the...
Ouch,.. Too soon "The bottom of the ladder is crowded, there is always room at the top" -some random fortune cookie Speaks for itself. "Women...
If you're approved on the forums the ts info is in the members barracks, in a sticky.
:P I've tried. But I guess the point is that yeah, I can totally see how couples would have problems if in the long run one games and the other...
I see the opposite end of the spectrum. My boyfriend and I game, but he feels REALLY left out whenever I play with Xen, and not him. And yeah...
Oh.. We're letting Enigma out of the tech talk forum are we? So proud! He's growing up! Grats *Secksy* >.>
Sharing thoughts and feelings? But I've spent all these years putting up a barrier of bitchyness and sarcasm that prevents me from interacting...
... ... ... ...ugh MO6xhLtfwW0
try this out for size.. its in the attachments, and you upload it via your sig panel.. but I think you know that XD. the end result...