I really don't understand at all what you're getting at with heatsinks. Cooling Ivy is easier than cooling Sandy (if we assume identical setups...
Power is heat. Intel maybe has a "temperature problem" because they used a crappier thermal interface material. To call it a heat issue with the...
AMD has all but given up on sticking with Intel in the higher-performance ranges. The next gen FX cpus don't seem to exist. Then steamroller is...
I don't understand the mindset of "You screwed me by releasing a new thing 6mos later". It's 6mo later, computer shit is always replaced in a...
Well, duh. They wouldn't be competitive if they couldn't beat the current $600 card at the $600 price point.
I've got an old X-fi still kicking in my computer. Most of the time with sound cards if the card works properly and has the right ports it's "good...
I imagine the powersupply will work fine....Here's a list I found which includes the AX1200...
I have a very hard time justifying spending so much on a motherboard. If you need the ports, sure, if you plan on doing some crazy overclocking,...
Yeah, stick with the top end i5 for the sweetspot in performance. Going higher up brings you very little. I like Crucial RAM, because they're...
Well, lets be specific here. It was a good card, a year ago it was a good deal and a smart choice. And it should run BF4 adequately. But now, for...
New Radeons soon (like a month?). But if you're impatient $250 for a 760 is a pretty great deal.
You could get some low-profile modules, like the Crucial Balistix LP, if you think it's going to be a problem.
After a week or so if you're still in the high 30s at complete idle you might want to check your paste/mounting. Mine's a bit stronger, but in a...
Yeah they've shown increased density but what I'm saying is LiIon has degradation problems now and Si is orders of magnitude worse. Amprius's...
That's a pretty huge sapphire sheet...and a glassy-metal chassis? Also, silicon anode Li-Ion battery don't really exist yet commercially. One...
The LV stuff is perfectly happy to run at 1.5V.
Using it as a cache makes it work as if it was the main OS drive. Except far more efficient in SSD utilization. Most programs don't require all of...
Yeah, so I have a 2tb disk and a 50gb SSD. I installed (make sure the controller is in RAID mode, read the instructions) Windows on it first and...
I like the core of the system. Your harddrive configuration confuses me...SSD and velociraptors? I say this a lot and no one seems to care, but...
Windows 8 is lighter on system resources and it boots much faster. The task manager is better. There's lots to like, I think. Whether or not you...