The soundcards are fine..I think I'd go Asus now, but I have an older Xfi PCI-express that's still going strong many years in. I'd look to a...
All the work done on a freefalling object which is gained as kinetic energy, if the object is your system, has to go someplace when the object...
No, I'm not. You're leaving out what happens at the end. Regardless of frictional or nonfictional atmospheres the meteor hits the ground deforms...
Over time or not, it doesn't matter. Time will multiply out you can use rates or total values for the general picture here. I think it should be...
Mechanical switches might actually be a decent analogy: You use power to flip switches to do computation. When a mechanical switch flips it has to...
Almost all of it comes out as heat. The work being done is moving electrons, spinning things and orienting magnets...all of which turn into heat...
It'd be a solid build. But on temperature: Why does this consistently come up? It's like nobody understands what watts or joules or specific heat...
Intel puts out less heat to the tune of 140 fewer watts compared to an FX9xxx. Thus things get less hot. Nitpick all you want about die temperature.
Previous generation IntelCPU prices don't tend to tank. The 2xxx and 3xxx stuff is now an outdated socket, but they haven't dropped precipitously...
Why not go with the haswell 4670k? 20 bucks more (and actually $20 off on newegg if you order it by tomorrow). Also, wow DDR3 prices are still...
I wouldn't spend $200 on a new card now when you'll get the old one back. You're just not getting much out of that deal. If you need to buy...
So if you play Company of Heroes 2 and Metro: Last Light@ >1440p get an R9 290X. Otherwise buy a space heater and a GTX780? ;)
Wowza, 60w more than a Titan. I hope they've just got really shitty drivers right now. Only winning one bench against Titan when it's sucking that...
If you're a competent user, especially one that used windowskey/kb shortcuts/Start menu searchbar in W7, you basically will only see a graphical...
I don't know off hand the resolution at which your pixel density is greater than an eye's resolving power for something at desktop distance/size.... fact that sort of mutes excitement: Only the R8 290 and 290X are not rebrands. Only those two and the R7 260X have the True Audio. The...
It may have some pretty good power for something like that. Ubi's 2D-ish engine is getting a number of titles for it...perhaps EA decided to put...
Well, the speculation is that Mantle is the low-level API for the XBone (and highly similar to PS4's as well). It's conceivable everything that's...
It's a confluence of factors. A lower threshold with the same transistor geometry would produce more leakage. But the finFET is a thing...
I'll point you to the wiki for multigate transistors like Intel's Tri-gate