Most contributive member of 2013(list up to 10) Q, Kyoji, Rookie, Imbored, Doc, Mirr, Daibar Favorite leader of 2013(list up to 4) Imbored -...
Seems a mix of WAR and GW2. Not sure if it'll work but it's an idea for sure.
Rumor. Going to go Dominion, stalker main and medic alt.
Love and Stolen.
Let the fun begin!
That is such a burn, it hurts.
That was absolutely brilliant.
LOL I wish.
I like the game. I hate the fact that it's impossible to play. I've done 40+ things to try and fix the garbage lag and freezing issues. They get...
Rofl I love this.
PC gamer for life.
Pretty sure NMRH has no pvp. This game is all about the pvp and counter pushes from your previous survivors now turned zombies.
Contagion Recently went into beta through kickstarter. Avaliable on steam. Zombie survival co-op akin to Left 4 Dead except it focuses more on...
VordQueen - That's my witch. Me and my buddy have been playing this game last few days. It's amazing! It reminds me a lot of titan quest, just not...
I approve of this message.
This looks fun. I'm getting it. =]
Agreed. I can't wait.
Weeeee putting it down in my calender!