Even though Gamestop is an evil empire, they had the nicest offer for pre-orders and so I preordered through them. Plus, there's a store about two...
I am shriveling up inside, the wait is killing me! I preordered last week and I've been on edge this entire time!
They called it an "open beta" but it was a paid beta in reality. Such bullshit, don't call it an open beta if I have to pay money to test your...
Just hope they don't pull an Open Beta stunt like Aion's "Open Beta"
Also knowing Bioware and watching the videos and what not, this game is not a PvP focused or driven game. It's driven primarily by a strong and...
Can someone shop something cool into this picture? I don't have anything specific, but just something cool. Although, I personally, as a joke,...
Ok, finally got the damn thing to work: On the agree to the Terms of Service page, scroll the thing all the way down, THEN check the box and...
It keeps redirecting me through each of the sign ups. I accept the terms of use license thing and then it goes to my info, and then it goes back...
RAWR it's still not up!!!! THE BASTARDS!!!
If you're ever feeling down, just watch this video and everything will be ok: dcP2mdnYbcw
I'm excited!
So, updated the song just now so you can download it if you want. ALSO! If you want, go to jamlegend.com and check out the featured Hot Songs and...
Right here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cc/20021121d Was learning D&D at the time and found that character sheet, thought it...
It's really annoying when the pointer sticks on the map.
I'm playing it now, I'm a big D&D nerd, and it's a nice break from the traditional MMO, with the DM talking and all of that. Anyways, I'll move to...
Nothing....will....happen...life will go on...as it always does....and humanity will get stupider...until we're all sitting in toilet lazy boys...
And you only have it half right. They use sequenced sounds that were recorded by real musicians, they construct drum beats, and construct...
I can get academic about this one as well. The voice is a musical instrument. You warm it up like an instrument and you use it like an...