So, right now, I'm running a Geforce 7600 GTX, and I want to upgrade and pick up an S-Video cable to hook up my desktop to my tvset. I found...
So, apparently there's 10 seconds of me performing with this latin pop rock group called Carreyo in the beginning of the video while Steve Vai is...
She is QUITE the lay. ;)
Well, if you play on easy, that only happens every once in a while. I find that I usually pause when my healer isn't doing her job and I need to...
There's no multiplayer Rubius. =/ After the way I started, and learning my lesson, I would start out, right after Lothering, hitting up the mages...
Gotta say, I've been playing it on PC and it's just amazing, I can't write anything else because there really is nothing else to say, this game is...
Don't forget to post your Bioware Social profile so we can add you! [spoiler] Can't wait to get home from job training today and play some more!
[spoiler] That is all.
Alright, so, I feel pretty sad right now: [spoiler]
Haha yea, I noticed that too, it was pretty cool. Gotta tell ya, being the Tank and spec'ing Sword and Shield is really bad ass, I like the...
So far I really love the game. Great setting, great dialogue, and the story is really starting to open up for me. I started a Human Warrior for...
Got my copy from Gamestop and am in the middle of installing it! SOOOO EXCITED!!!
Anybody get it yet!? Is it good? I have a job interview right when Gamestop opens and I have to wait! DX
Hey everyone, don't forget to add each other on the Bioware Social Network! Look me up, I'm Samakar. :P
ARGH! Only one more frackin' day! I'm dying inside here! I'm gonna be outside of my Gamestop tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. waiting for them to open!
Just two more days! I'm so excited!
Did you guys make characters yet? Here's mine!:...