I'm actually really interested in this, the original EVE was too slow for me, but this, this would be fun!
QFT You know how many civilizations I've destroyed by just not being able to fathom their existance? You wouldn't know, because of my super...
My first play through was clocked in at about 35 hours as well, but I missed a TON of shit. I'm playing it through again with the same character...
PC hands down. Couldn't imagine playing it on the 360.
Wish we could set up language settings. I'm sick and tired of getting thrown in games where my whole squad speaks Russian!
I've been playing the Beta on PS3, and omfgbbq is it AWESOME!!!
Level cap is 25.
Alright guys, you've loved our music before, now you it's time to throw down and show your support! We're competing in the Gospel Music Channel...
Finally finished my first play through this morning. The legend of Deric seems to have a cliffhanger ending! Seriously, this has been the best...
Broke down and bought it on Direct2Drive just now. Planning on playing Mordecai. Go Snipers! :D
I'm coming towards the end and...well...a game has never really ever made me sit for a good 5 minutes, looking at the screen, wondering which...
Mass Paralysis is the shiz yo. Hex of Humanity is pretty sweet when you can't quite get to the Mage in the enemies mob because you have to focus...
Considering picking this up for 360.
You get achievements on the PC version too. :P
Is it better than the Blood Dragon armor?
Anyone know where to get your Dragon Scale and Drake Scales reforged into armor? I finally killed the High Dragon this morning. ^_^
For my original main, Deric, I ended up missing Lelianna :(, so my current team is Wynne, Allistair, Zevran and myself. Zevran is a fucking retard...
I never got the invite for the beta. :( When is the beta going up?
I've always been a big Nvidia guy, although that is a really nice card. What's the main differences between Radeon and Nvidia?
And just so you all know, I did in fact meet Steve Vai. I was at the food services table downstairs in the green room of The Wiltern theater,...