Just finished Mass Effect 2, I cried a little at the end. Great set up for the final chapter in the Trilogy!
I'm about 24 hours in now, got it yesterday at midnight, played it for an hour, then spent all day yesterday and most of today playing it, still...
Yes, that's how the game is now, in the play test however things were much different. They listened to us on some things, and then some things...
I'm not doubting the awesomeness of the story at all. I only had major problems with presentation, such as some voice acting that was horrible,...
10 P.M. is when the line starts at the Gamestop on Sunset and Vine, if you're in the SoCal area, come hang out for the midnight release!
Alright, even though I've done the playtest for this game back in November and was mostly disappointed, I'm buying this game tonight, midnight...
Used to be a 360 guy, till I got my PS3 last November, and now PS3 > 360
Or the fact that combat with the Mako blows? :3 I playtested it back in November and was mostly disappointed with the game, the story is gonna be...
/thread WIN
I gotta be honest with you guys, I've been playing MAG for a while and I'm SERIOUSLY missing this game, it's such an awesome game!
Lol not bad, how many mics do you have for doing live recording? I'd set up more, rerecord your drum tracks and then mix them more into the...
Hmm, not bad mate. Could clean up your distortion tone just a little bit for Part 1, I'm kinda running out the door as I was listening, but I...
:O Thread necro's? In my XoO? :)
Blasphemy! Soundgarden is one of the greatest Hard Rock bands of all time!
Laaaaaaaaaaaaame. D= I wanna rip it up with Xen as the SVER!
Anyone playing? Samakar, add me
OMFG!!!! THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER!! FUCK YES!!! :cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1: *ahem* Am I the only one...
Jedi Guardian all the way mo fo's!
Been playing the PS3 beta and I've been in love with this game, shame it ended yesterday. :( Unfortunately due to the specs I don't think I can...
Final Fantasy XI was a big time grind fest. :( Hopefully they'll make a better game with XIV Oh and I app'd.