Hey guys! New myspace lay out, more friends, and now a review by the great Cat Veit, known for writing articles for Music Connection Magazine are...
I know right? I can't really tell where her accent is going. I'm at about that mark, so I'm really hoping it picks up soon. I've been...
Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm. Wouldn't mind getting a hold of some of that, as long as Vanille shuts the fuck up.
Actually, I agree, I'm like..6 or 7 hours in now, the story is kind of meh, I'm kind of discovering things as I go along still. Combat is very...
Gonna be at the Sunset and Vine Gamestop in about 3 hours and 15 mins. If you're in Hollywood, come hang out yo!
12 was too bland for me, couldn't finish it.
Already have it full pre-ordered, going out to the midnight release tonight at GameStop.
Hey guys, quick update, we threw together a photoshoot over on the roof of the madison and some of the pictures are now up! Go check them out!...
What he said!
Still need to pick up issue 2 of the comics, so far it's interesting, not really sure how far down the hole Liara is gonna be going.
This has made my day!
I'd like that too actually, sometimes I want to check the forums on my phone but it's such a pain in the ass to try.
So lately, I've been getting these odd e-mails from believable e-mail addresses, like just tonight, here's one I've gotten from...
I loved SW:BF2, one of my all time favorite games! :( Oh well, doesn't affect me too baddly seeing as I refuse to pay for online gaming now that...
This video was the one that ended up really getting me into John. 8WEC5UN9cqE
Seriously, if you haven't really heard John play then you haven't heard shit, this concert is pretty damn awesome! 358CJX9FJxE
Good luck! I lost a few people :(
No, in ME1 my Shep hooked up with Liara, I hear there's some big bonuses if you stay faithful in ME3.
Hey, So some of you may remember my band Black Magic Voodoo. Well we ended up losing our drummer, keys player and bass player. We got a new...
My first run through I turned her ass down and bitched her out about Jack, then I had sex with Tali. I have to say that Tali's LI storyline was...