I think it might be good, im gonna go see it for sure
WOW, great stuff man, really loved it. Im sitting here reading a book and just chillin to that. Great stuff again. Ill keep an eye on the site for...
I lol'd
In soviet Russia, Race Takes YOU!!! Tindremene looks kind of cool, based on the roman empire and all, and the half orcs also look kind of cool....
wtf = WHAT the fuck
I like playing on www.Kongregate.com
Ah HA!!!
Wait a sec, I have $5 somewhere around. If we join them together we shall have $10! Nothing could stand in our way!!!!
RPG: Baldurs Gate II ( NWN series comes close but it lacks a certain charm BG possesed ) JRPG: Final Fantasy Series MMO: EvE Online 4X: Civ 4 (...
Im looking forward to playing darkfall once I can though I wouldnt say for certain that it will 'succeed'. Time will tell
Mozzarella!!!!!!!!!!! WTF happened to chedder or Gorgonzola??!!
I has a internetz now but no computer to play, only a netbook. Will get a computer asap
This is quite cool, I enjoy a good DnD comic.
Im sure there are plenty of people who have been following these ( its on the VG cats site in the corner ) but Im sure there are some who havent...
It was a bad film but i thought at least it was slightly better than the second one, that one was complete crap.
See I dont think it will, from the way I understood it you lose a random skill level in your T3 area ( so either a skill in the electronic...
wow, more eve players coming in lol, Well , There WAS a XoO corp in eve and it went for a few months, unfortunately there was a certain break up...