pre-ordered mine ages ago, cant wait to start playing this and then start creating my own campaigns. Im already going through the books so i can...
1.Chuck Norris 2. Optimus Prime 3. Zoey from L4D 4. Po from Kung fu panda Well balanced team covering most of the required areas
Im picking it up :D
Im sure once release hits, the mobs will be more...intelligent. They wont just stand there and should move around a bit, though yeah more...
As great as dual wielding looks, im fairly certain over 80% of all the jedi/sith players will be using two lightsabers. Ill stick with the one but...
Loving it, Awsome job mate.
Im waiting for League of legends
YES! AWSOME! Keeping my eye on this.
Ive been thinking of getting this but a friend told me that its better to wait for the GOTY edition as that will come with all the downloadable...
Anyone been watching this?, it looks kind of interesting.
Its FF, good enough for me.
Looking forward to swtor :D
Yeah ive been keeping an eye on this game, looks kind of fun and could give JGE a run for its money. Still I hope they are planning on adding shit...
2012, the year when the world will end apparently. But at least its something to look forward to. The game I mean....
What about the players who would want to play as a nid or a necron? Tyranid players easily make up a good portion of 40k fans. Perhaps they have...
See thats what I think, There is always the good vs evil battle and I would assume that a SM and a Eldar would happily fight together against a...
Well I think with this 40k mmo, they have the opportunity to present something new to the table and dont have to worry too much about people...
Ah but it would be something new to have a good deal of races against each other. And 'new' is what the mmo market desperately need.
Eh, a direct force resist item I cant honestly recall from the game ( but i think there is one in kotor2 ) however, a high resist in will and fort...