I know it's a scam but I can't figure out how the scamee actually gets scammed. How do they rip you off? Do they dispute the paypal payment and...
I just got a new one and I like it a lot. It's a little clunky but works great. Plantronics GameCom 377 Open-ear. 50$ at Best Buy....
LOL not my balls!
I know you aren't looking for a Logitech but my MX518 rocks. I've had it for a while now and I love it.
NP! Best of luck to you. Thank you for your interest in the XoO family.
I noticed in your post that you mentioned the Guild recruitment forums. Xen of Onslaught has 2 WoW divsions. The Dragonmaw division (this one) is...
Just log into your paypal account, go to "send money", and send to the email address in the main post.
I would like a couple, please.
FYI: Google wasn't launched until 1996 and Google Video until 2005. Good find and cool video, though.
So, you're saying that it was an April Fool's joke?
i c whut u did ther
Zomg its still there!
The one that really got me was when the site that was distributing Naruto fansubs (which is technically illegal but no one cares because they...
Welcome to april fool's season.
It's at the Fuck Parade. Gabber and Hardcore's response to the Love Parade.
I, too, have a hard dance mix from back in my DJ days. It's been a few years since I recorded it so it's a little dated by now....
Hope it's good one! Thanks for all of your hard work.
lmao, that's good
I'm pumped. I freaking love this show (see: scar tattoo). The cool thing is that up to this point I haven't been able to get my wife to watch a...