You're right, good point there haha.
Yes the benchmark gave my computer a measly 300. I think FFXIV will prevent many people from playing because it is too much to handle for the...
oo nice work ^^. I am a student.
ios because it fits my needs perfectly.
I like it, its more modest ^^
That would be a nice job wouldn't it, identifying what are good/bad/ugly porn sites? :drool:
haha owned. jk jk :p
The fed gov. shut down many illegal websites showing pirated movies, anyway they lured them out by saying "we are supplier for free eclipse...
I've played many, many F2P games in the past and the most I've spent is about 200 bucks in just one game. From what I can tell you, free to play...
Yes both will be released 2011, here's to hoping that Tera closed beta testing starts in 2010!
I wonder how much WoW movie will get in the box office. Expect LONG lines haha. Even though I don't play WoW, I hope I'll still be able to...
..........Ghana win? :eek::tear:
Thanks for applying, hope your eyes feel awesome :)
I'm glad to see someone who's played Aika before! If it isn't too much questions, what class did you play/what nation? And why did you stop the...
Exactly, there's nothing wrong with playing 2 mmos at the same time expect it hurts your wallet.
You guys deserve it.
Good news indeed, I think SWTOR will be very successful.
I just listened to the PAX meeting, holy jesus.. 15 people per room? ... and ONE SHIRT for 5 days?:eek: In all seriousness, that meeting was...
Its cool, I'll still be 17 by the time PAX rolls over.