It's the same thing; just a different way of going about it.
It should be they're, I failed! P.S. If someone is going to troll or call someone out in an open forum... You better quadruple check your post...
Ya, I'm happy they're going to do the video and he got the attention he needed. I know I can be a dick sometimes, but somewhere down their through...
The GMG 25% off is actually suppose to be 2/3/2014 not 3/2/2014 if you live in the US. GMG uses European UTC time which can cause confusion.
Share if you feel the need to do so... vPT28MGhprY
Sadly a lot of people are claiming this to be a 3 - 6 month game. I guess only time will tell, but I love TES as well.
When I meant efficient, I meant efficient in the sense of the most bang for your buck. Now what you are talking about is mana efficient rather...
Ani, it's been so long... :P
Is this for real? I remember the last one being terrible and the end of the series.
I heard June, but that's what I'm waiting on as well. You should stick it out until the 8 series drops to buy a card. Older cards will be a lot...
Templar's are the most efficient healers f.y.i
I like it, can't wait to see the others!
Should we tickle the idea around and see if a Division can be produced? :bashful:
Anyone know what classes they're rolling...?
For anyone that is having a hard time....
I have a couple of ideas that I'll shoot your way when I have more time.
Sadly This is a huge problem in XoO! -_- From Q: Any further information we gotta wait until they get around to writing it up and defining in...
I always thought he was European or something... Ya, the name sounds pretty weird ending in Jizz! lol
I did actually... I'm only playing TESO to play with a few friends. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't play at all.
TESO is going to be a 3 - 6 month game. That is what majority of the competitive RvR guilds are saying anyway. The guild I'm currently playing...