Hey look it came back... Lets feed it!
It's the majority... You're a prime example of the loud minority though. Which is a bad analogy all together... We can agree to disagree....
There is quite amount of people whom feel this way about PvE. It's apparent reading though reddit, forums, ingame, etc... I never said the game...
It seems Atmospheric Pressure is back to normal. :P
I completely disagree, as combat mods have made TES amazing. Yes, you can say... Well that combat wasn't like <Insert Failed Reason Here> at...
Yes... It's a shame that no one got the pamphlet on contraception to his parents in time... Sadly society thinks carrying noobs is for the greater...
It's not that Wikipedia blows, but people blow. Same concept as guns don't kill people, people kill people! When are people going to stop blaming...
It shines a lot brighter in PvP than PvE. What makes it great, is how it's different from other MMO's. The combat in a PvP setting is really...
If PvE wasn't terrible, people wouldn't care so much about it being slow...
Gave up since RvR messes up with loading errors. It was fun for a few hours, and has potential. I took 5 keeps, and killed a lot of people....
<--- Rough being a top NA Player... : D
I've heard from just about everyone that EB has the worst story progression, so on a lore aspect it's worse than the other fractions. I don't know...
I'm playing AD. DC and AD are the top two factions being played, while no one is favoring EB.
Maybe some people are more PvP oriented than PvE...
I solo'd most of the dungeons, and some just waited for pugs to show up towards the end like level 8+. I was also doing level 12 - 15 quests from...
I didn't say it was hard... I said it was terrible.
Judging by how terrible PvE is... Most of the budget must of went into PvP!
I'm doing that and literally sprinting everywhere and it still takes about 8 hours. From 1 - 6 is pretty quick, and then it starts to slow! Some...
I got 5 to 10min loading time just zoning... :P