V is going to be awesome. We watched it religiously when it came out when I was a teenager and I'm just stoked that the cast is so strong and it's...
Radeon 5870 for the power efficiency, plus in Crossfire they pwn the GTX 295 all over the floor, and a single card beats the GTX 285 anyway. And...
Forget the 275, go for the Radeon 4850 X2 or 4870 X2. Hell, if you can find a pre-built PC for the right price and you like the warranty then go...
What kind of motherboard are you rocking? I personally hate the 295, they're way overpriced for what you get. Good thing you're upgrading though,...
Obviously the i7 is mucho better than the i5 but the i5 is still the second best you can possibly do right now with a processor. After that you're...
I sent in forty bucks, I hope that at least covers the vent for a while.
I've been playing HoN for a few months and it's great. I have invites available if anyone wants to try the game, just PM me. Basically now,...
It's great. It needs to have the CSS set to be auto-width to whatever size your browser is instead of a fixed width. Wow, I've been wanting a...
The movie was fun, though, the Paris chase scene was cool, and the other action scenes were at least well paced. What little story there was made...
Harlow is awesome. He'll be playing AION and Modern Warfare 2 like a motherfutha!
It's a good start, G.
Do you mean for world of warcraft?
They reimagined most of the old zones. In the video you can see Tanaris is a forest, barrens has cliffs and rivers of fire, Azshara is a new...
No idea. We'll see. I will be playing the dark side.
Once again? Except Blood Elfs are 10,000,000,000,000 times cooler than Dranei and the BE starting zone is one of Blizzard's crowning achievements,...
Too bad GIMP is terrible. :P Go to the Adobe site, they have a free basic verison of photoshop. They also may have an online version.
Yeah you're right it was four weeks actually. See? They suck time out of you!
Worgen were originally on the short list for for BC, but looks like they finally got in! Too bad they're stupid Alliance. Of course as always I...
I have the biggest boner imaginable for this game. Especially where the game gives each member of your group a chance to talk and make choices...