Definitely going to try it. I was a huge fan of Neocron and I want this game to be fun. It's staggering how long we've been waiting for this...
Yeah especially cause Lev is a nice guy and Kyoji is totally not. God know why you fools banned him. Anyway, I think it obviously appeals to...
Boycotts actually rarely work in any case, it's just a fact.
The 'boycott' had zero effect on the game of course. It's ridiculous to imagine it would. There are tons of people playing the PC version and I...
Lol. This game is terrible. I've played it twice and talked with the devs several times about it and I just have no faith in it.
Sure but you sure also can't go on this huge tirade of freaking complaining that's been going on without playing the game. Trust me if you ever...
The i5 is newer than the i7, but the i7 is the biggest performer. For 1200 bucks you can definitely go i7. Caviar black is a great hard drive....
You guys are all wrong. MW2 is fun. We're playing it and yeah it's not exactly like COD:MW, but it's definitely worth playing and it's definitely...
That's like a year old.
The PC version has better controls, better camera options, and mucho better graphics. The PS3 version has better graphics than the XBox but it the...
Crap guys i accidentally said no to your friend requests, invite me again. GameSpy: Geniusjones see ya!
Dragon Age: Origins is Baldur's Neverwinter Knights of the Old Jade Empire Effect and I freaking love it. I'm playing a City Elf dual wield...
Ok I got it. My GameSpy ID is "GeniusJones" Let's get some games on! I am a noob but I'm pretty excited.
I'm all preloaded and ready to play. Just freaking out that we only have just over a day more to wait! SO EXCITED!
Nope. Here's my list: Borderlands Dragon Age Origins Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 No zombies in there. ;)
The only thing that matters is your budget, because that will dictate what card you get. Here's the most recent Tom's Hardware guide to the best...
Nobody who has an iPhone is complaining very much. People who are considering buying one are complaining, but usually when they have it for a week...
I got Torchlight, and it's freaking awesome. And I'm getting Dragon Age next week, and I'm trying to figure out how to fit this game in, with COD...
AMD Phenom II chips are awesome. The newest Athlon are also great if you don't need L3 cache, but as gamers we benefit from that so we'd all chose...
Unless you're doing color correction, I recommend going with an inexpensive 22 or 24" but just make sure you get one that does FULL 1080P. I just...