Every time there's info we talk about it. We're all waiting for this one.
He actually doesn't do anything irrational at all. The reason for the tension is obvious once you start the movie. Fucking great move, and Sam...
The best Renegade line of dialog in Mass Effect 1 was definitely when Shepherd says "And STAY DEAD THIS TIME" while committing genocide on the...
Final Fantasy XI Online stands tall with the distinction of being the hardest game to sign up for in history. Go donwload everything and start a...
That's surprising, I mean most components you buy these days can tolerate a lot of misuse but to smoke out of the box, definitely rare.
Pre-orders started on Steam today, with a 10% discount and Beta Access. I wonder what other pre-order deals we'll see from other vendors. If you...
Except Hellgate had the shittiest level design imaginable. Or it had exactly one level design: linear tunnel, and they did it shitty at that. I...
We have a general discussion forum for this stuff. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=2
Check this every day. http://www.hardforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17
Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings, Dawn of Discovery, Batman Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, the list goes on and on and on...
I have an extra key, first person who PMs me can have it. Also, ZAM.com still has some. All you have to to is register....
Just wait for Earthrise. This game's graphics are 6 years old, eight factions will never work. Not worth the install. Plus, shouldn't this be in...
Well that's just what I meant by 'decided to roll with it.' But don't lose heart, the guys at Runic Games, the team who originally made mythos,...
IMO The best place to look for info on whether or not a panel is any good is [H]ardOCP's hardforums. It's also the best place to buy used computer...
I've been asking for over a year, I don't think a clan invite thing is in the cards.
How is this going to the xbox 360?
If you want easy mode, and you are more interested in the story than the combat, and are ok with the graphics being medium then go XBox. If you...
Actually they never intended to make Mythos, it was just a tech demo they created while working on Hellgate, and it turned out so well they...
I'll definitely check it out, I got tons of emails about this but I thought nobody else would be interested so I missed out on the beta keys....