The more I'm reading this the less it makes sense. Let's take the first part, In-Out=Accumulation. There is none and you mentioned it briefly -...
God dammit, now I'm going to need to start doing the calculations for all this, I want to know how much energy is being outputted as heat and how...
I see what you're saying, but something there sounds wrong to me... the energy that goes into a system is essentially divided into two parts:...
There doesn't necessarily have to be a build-up though. Yeah, more power is consumed but​ it could be more efficient, ie. release less waste heat.
Think it's worth getting the FX-9350 or FX-8350? I've been reading that oct-core processors aren't utilized fully in games. (I'd also be using...
I was going to wait for the release of the next gen hardware before buying. I figured with the next gen stuff coming out, older gen stuff would be...
I'm currently using a gaming Laptop ATM, no parts I can use to cannibalize.
Probably going to buy a new rig soon. Have a 1.3k budget. So far, build looks like: Intel Core i5-3570K (3.4/3.8)Intel Core i5-3570K (3.4/3.8)...