This thread... what the fuck... [IMG]
I might be thinking about different vision problems then. Considering Oculus Rift is being used as a diagnostic device or in therapies that can...
You know. If they applied this knowledge to, say, vision correction... instead of the relatively superfluous world of games...
Only the strong survive.
I love you. I love you. Marry me.
Guys... you do realize this is me being momentarily enraged by some fucker making my life marginally harder, right? I'm well aware that a single...
Because if this kind of edit can go through without even a nod toward fact checking, then all kinds of "little" errors go through on those "99% of...
INB4, it's exactly a copy-pasta of Skyrim. Evidence: Skyrim was a copy-pasta of Oblivion. Disclaimer: The poster reports no inherent bias for...
Context? I'm sharing it regardless, but what are these 1 minute videos about? Not this guys, but the FB ones.
From the Memory of Sekhayet: Long Novels (1000+ pages) Peter F Hamilton: Sci-fi The Commonwealth Saga is published in two-halves, Pandora's...
This better not fuckle my LTI...
Boom, bitches. This is going to be one kick-ass module when it comes out.
Holy shit, Dag. That's freaking genius. What if we tried this as a side-business. People pay us for "insurance" on ships that they stole then,...
Division-Specific Awards (Planetside 2) Exemplary (Planetside 2) member of 2013 (list up to 5) imb0red Favorite (Planetside 2) leader of 2013...
Craft name. Wicca. Boring.
Tell that to nullsec.
I think we need to start over here. We're confusing systems by this point. As a basic starting point for the gravitational example: I'm breaking...
At what point does the work done by gravity generate heat when something falls in a frictionless environment? The Earth is a dissipation tool,...
You're confusing the heat generated with the work done. They are not at all the same thing. Let's stick to mechanics to explain: if Earth had no...