I don't know why its compared to PS2. At some point the devs have both said its impossible in the engine to have it open world and they are...
Truth. PvE is a lot of fun with a crew and PVP is rather fun when you don't end up having to fight the gold gear crew.
Definitely true. If it were anything but warhammer I don't think anyone would look twice at it.
Hit me up on steam.
PC Here. xSokar is my steam. God only knows what my uplay is.
So Amazon Prime has a new "live action trailer" that lasts about 30minutes called Agent Origins. It's better than I thought it would be.
I'm in for PC but going to wait and see how they fuck it up first. Goddamn console ports.
I have it installed and play it every so often but not on Harbringer.
Without any of the matchmaking, initial cost, obvious DLC costs, EA bullshit, the game is easily the on top of my worst pay to play fps I've ever...
Oh look at that. The day after my birthday. Sorry wife and son I must shut myself in my vault for a week.
FUCK YOU MATCHMAKING I hate "skill based". I kill the shit out of stuff for about a week then stop playing for a year then go back and still own...
Very cool. I'm definitely keeping an eye on it.
It's a great game but right now food is required is way too high.
It's 40% off because they are releasing a 60$ "expansion" in december. Don't bother.
Why the fuck would they not put in real servers?
Gratz! That's awesome.
Accepted. Once you apply for the user group :)
The Repopulation is 15 bucks for the basic pack this weekend.
Pre.... Post-CU is like creationism. I don't recognize it as a legitimate top to discuss.
Got it. It's SWG.