Holding off on new apps at this time due to the state of the alpha and lack of interest from existing members. Once the game is more functional...
So you admit that you knew who you were attacking. You stole/destroyed 5 of our 6 vehicles (not 2) so you are a liar as well. This matter is not...
Member status should be revoked. Member has initiated hostile actions against Xen of Onslaught guild in H1Z1. Knew our base location, attacked...
He messaged me in TS but I was asleep at the time. He wasn't on when I got back... just FYI.
Are you over 18: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: Yes What is the link to your steam profile:...
Division-Specific Awards (ArcheAge) Exemplary (ArcheAge) member of 2014 (list up to 8) Efitall Aleez Aetogra Joras Pocket Tugg Muadib Kyoji...
How old are you?: 41 RSI Forum Name?: TheScarr Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:...
I got me one of these, I'm ready for space! http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/gearvr/ It uses a Note 4 phone with the shell which I...