mmmmm, might be short notice.'s at MSU, so I might be able to find some there (if it's not raining cats & dogs)
lol, plan on it.. ...if I get great prizes, I'll share
so this is only a 45-60 min drive away for me this Friday (at MSU)... ...anyone else in the area going?
played it for a while, a lot of us have, then other games game out & that was that....
the pre-orders seem to all just say, a one time pay & play (no subscription) ...yeah, anymore info, would be great..
indeed ...also looking forward to the Single Server >> No Shards
I'm definitely interested in the game..... ...also, if you're interested in pre-ordering, steam is adding more bonuses for your character, the...
Who's Preordered? ....this looks fun!
...who's pre-ordered?
nice, so just a few more weeks..... ...too bad it's not early March - I have Spring Break for the next 2 weeks.., how many people have pre-ordered this & is there an updated ETA of the game?
looking forward to the show, not sure bout the game yet...
I would be interested to know how good the game is .....Big Love to the first game, would love to see more interested in the game, if it's any good...
We'll I'm leaving to go Camping here in the next 30 min, see ya'll Sunday night/Monday morning sometime.... ...time for 4/5 days in...
lol, there are several of of us playing this now, it is awesome, wish pincussion had found it & talked me into it, before either of us spent $60...