1º I hate DLC. I feel it takes away from the game more that it adds. Because now days DLC, are used from day 1. And is some times a big part of...
Yeah i dont know why, but as a Fighting game fan! I must have a mortal Kombat for my Ps3. Having a SF and a MK, in my colection makes me feel...
Nothing beats my Warrior 2H Reaver Berzerker! Buffing going into the middle of a group of enemies and Blasting them all in one swing is Full of win!
And Guild Wars 2 will be better than TOR, TERA, and any other MMO out there!
I don't like when funcom, goes all we will do this and that and them they cant deliver. If the game is good im gona buy it and be a Dragon. but...
For now, i am on the middle of Chaper 2. I had not much time to play. the story, is more down to earth, for example chapter 1 felt a lot like...
Personaly if you play on Easy mode, you are a scrub, you suck, and i can beat you with my eyes closed, you just have to get some expirience....