Lovestospooge was taken, so I chose this. Seriously tho, it was a name I thought of for my RF Online char and kept it, but lot's of people use it...
It won game of the year in Korea
The F2P model is the biggest money grab of all, hence the reason why so many developers are going with that model at launch or shortly after. As...
This is an older video but it gives you an idea of what pvp will be like in ESO. O_X55N1wkok
If all goes well, I will definitely be playing this.
Baron Von Dankbuds :D
Pure epicness
LMAO Doc, I'm not sure, maybe hate both of them equally. It's a toss up. Sorry Lailana, I had no clue this was your song. I too throw up a...
OK Mother truckers. Got my original char transferred to XoO's server. I shall see you in open beta. This is Blas....signing off....
I have 2 chars on Necropolis. a 40 Defiant Rogue named Blas and a 45 Guardian Mage named Stonedjesus. I play my mage mostly, because Chloromancer...
K I'm on one of the new servers Necropolis I think is the name. Characters name is Blas
Short for Titanic, you know, the boat that sank. :p
There were only a handful of us playing this when it originally launched. Good to see Square Soft stuck to their guns and are dedicated to making...
I hope they can actually pull off an old school sandbox again. Hopefully they realize it is more than just huge open spaces of land and more about...
I'm going to be giving this a shot again, thought the pvp was pretty good and the amount of class combos is sweet. I'll post my characters name...
I am currently playing this and getting ready for 4.0. If anyone is still playing, hit me up...ingame name is Blas
Congrats people
My dream sandbox pvp mmo is getting closer to being a reality. I shall rise from the ashes like a pvp phoenix, unleashing my fury upon the...