Saw it at the Midnight release and I loved it. CLUE looked alright. It was obvious that he was fake, but it looked decent. I really loved the...
WHO CARES ABOUT SCIENCE. That shit was awesome.
As I was reading the thread I was tihnking all about Rail Guns then doc posts about one. Rail Gun FTW! Things are freaking brutal and destructive.
All I can say is, about time.
That is some hot stuff right there.
I could watch this all day.
Watched the video last night with Alk. Then we whet to play it and he beat it. It is a lot easier then you think.
Wow, what an epic fail....
I did not see a problem, then I noticed it was a bunch of little kids. I quickly stopped the video ._____.
Made me giggle, nice watch.
Looked cool at first but then I noticed how totally uncomfortable it looks...
Did this the other day, man did my jaw drop. Going to bookmark this and see what i can make when i am bored xD
Good Luck Xami. Do your best to have fun. Stay safe. Make us proud.
Heard about this last night, very saddening.
I love the amount of good wallpapers you can get at 4chan. There are some nice sections there. You just have to be prepared for the worst xD
I read this completely wrong at first xD Happy Thanks Giving everyone, and to those who do not celebrate. Happy Random Thursday.
I regularly visit 4chan it can be a nice experience sometimes.
IPDSiL1nH0k I can never get tired of this song ;D
Did it matter before?