Dark Souls 2 PC can be preloaded now. Check your Steam library to do so.
I wish one could already get hands-on with the dogfighting module. The PAX East 2014 footage (dogfighting and flight model, maneuvering and...
I agree. The game's much better overall now. Playing through vanilla on Torment at the moment. It's an all right diversion. Gamertag:...
I'll be reinstalling D3 later this day to see how much it has improved. Got burned out on the game a month or two after it came out.
Can't wait to get my hands on DS2 for PC. My Steam info should be accessible in my forum profile.
Throughout the history DC has been super inconsistent in regard to Superman's powers and weaknesses.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Even the great lord of sunlight is just a shadow of his former self. One might even argue that he isn't...
Considering that a lot of the bosses are weak to fire (Seath, Gwyn, Stray Demon, Demon Firesage, the list goes on and on), fire-based pyromancy is...
Sorceries are only really good if you level up your intelligence much. They scale exponentially well at a certain point. Pyromancies are probably...
It was just too harsh. Being one-shot every time, with almost no decent window of attack for a sorcerer. I'd have to really sit down and learn the...
I finally convinced myself that taking out Manus from outside the white portal was still the most efficient way for my sorcerer to win the boss...
Not me. There's nothing to do in Starbound at the moment.
I love the sound of what you're saying. From what I gather, it seems DS2 didn't go any more mainstream than DS1 did as successor to Demon's Souls.
I wish I could play DS2 already, but the PC version is more than a month away still. So all that's left for me to do is to grind my teeth trying...
I'd definitely recommend playing it with a 360 controller. The keyboard & mouse control scheme (which you cannot customize I believe) seems atrocious.
If you don't dabble in competitive Dark Souls PvP, I don't think you'll ever encounter one. At least I haven't.
Less than 30 bucks? Holy cow! I paid the full EU price (not regretting it though).
I have recently started a sorcerer playthrough in Dark Souls I, and, while I've been disappointed with the class in the beginning, it's grown very...
From the Steam store page: "PC & STEAM version will benefit from PC capabilities with increased texture resolution and an enhanced frame rate...
25th of April on Steam. Preordered it.