Demyx is this guy, I believe:
I love the way politicians in this part of the world get to take the piss and people actually realise it's a joke.
I like purples.
Been with Snow Raven for years and for some reason we seem to be able to beat everyone... so I guess I'll stay put.
Open beta should be only days away last I heard. Haven't actually touched this for a couple weeks due to GW2 and exams.
XL engines are always lighter, that's the tradeoff. More tonnage to spare, but easier to kill you (and thus no point taking CASE to protect from...
C-bill earning rates went up massively not so long ago, didn't take much time to buy a Hunchback and next up is a Gaussapult. XL engines explode...
A while, took me about 8 hours to earn 1 million and that was playing with a team that won about 50 games in a row. There does seem to be an issue...
I just turned that off... suddenly the cursor behaves more smoothly. That may have something to do with it.
I've had that happen rarely but I saw the same kind of thing on the last mouse I used. It might be an issue with using a laser mouse on the kind...
The G600 pad does have a good texture to it. You probably don't need that many buttons but with the 1-0 and F1-F4 combat keys in GW2 it does help...
Not officially but there are a whole lot of us playing. Check the Other Games section. It probably deserves a prominent forum because there is a...
Yeah, we're on top of a complex plate boundary. Usually get a few big ones a year. [img] [img]
It's not out yet in most of the world - but it is cheaper than a Naga and will probably last longer. Still 70 pounds which is outside that price...
Dolmio grin!